Apple iPhone Microscope lens review

iPhone Microscope lens

 iPhone (or smartphone) microscope lens

 For detailed product shots

I've always loved describing products and enjoyed taking pictures of them.

When mp3 player became popular in the early 2000s, I used to write my impressions, pros and cons of products on online, and I was even contacted directly by manufacturers to do product reviews.

The microscope lens I needed when I started blogging again

Start shopping online.


The components are simple
  • The product
  • Charging cable
  • Cleaner
  • Pouches

APL-MS002CBK front

  • Power button
  • Lens
  • Ring light(important)

APL-MS002CBK back

APL-MS002CBK side

This is the back and side view, and it connects to the smartphone with a clip like that.

Clip-on connection disadvantages and advantages

  • Disadvantages -Difficult to get a precise fit with the lens
  • Advantages - Compatibility is good(I use an older iPhone 11) - Fits any smartphone

APL-MS002CBK Charging

APL-MS002CBK charging complete

The red light is on while charging and the green light is on when charging is complete.

Ring light - Very important

APL-MS002CBK Ring light on

Press and hold the power button to turn on the ring light around the lens.
This ring light is the key.

The lens only focuses at a certain distance, so you need to hold the product completely close to the part you want to photograph in order to get an in-focus picture. This is why the ring light is essential, as it blocks out the light and leaves only darkness.

Let's take a look at the shots

APL-MS002CBK's shot - 1

APL-MS002CBK's shot - 2
KF94 Dust mask

APL-MS002CBK's shot - 3
Titanium Watch Band

APL-MS002CBK's shot - 4
Kindle Scribe Folio Case



Insane performance.
Use smartphone image sensor


Fixed focal length
Weak fastening

It seems like a blessing to use a product like this for 15$



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